Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happiness resides between your ears..wburkland

The past is filled with crazy drunken drug induced sexual pleasures.... followed by a week or two of recovery.. However I learned a lot during these times... I learned that you must do "The right thing" in order for life to be glorious.....
The present is filled with never saying no to someone who ask for help. Allowing the universe to ubfold before me, having radical acceptence of the now...never judging the moment just as I commented to Muir, bad and good judgements are based on brain pathways that can always be changed....With this mind set I have goals based on the Law of attraction....
The goals I have set are as follows: Make it to New York, Make it to LA, make it to every big city around the world and spread my message....To do this I need Money, I need to be regognized... I humble myself where ever I will go and ask for help...Soon I willbe putting Paypal on blog for your help.. Along with trainig, small modeling gigs, side work, and your help I think I will be able to live my dream...I want to make small donations thousands of places, Not lump sums that get eatin up by salaries of non4profits....
My message, if you have not caught on yet is you are super important in this world.. with strengh and faith anything can be accomplished...And teach anxiety control.......
Please ask guestions pondering lifes happiness

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